The places of the prayers

The route takes the visitor through a comfortable walk to rediscover several points of interest of the Amalfi Coast area. This path allows the tourist to get close to one of the richest interesting aspects of the Amalfi Coast, the faith. This territory interpretation helps you to understand and trace back to a unique origin, different testimonies that are in the material cultural patrimony and in that immaterial. You just think about all those saint figures which lived and crossed these lands, from Blessed Bonaventura from Potenza who was active in Ravello to S. Alfonso Maria of Liguori in Scala, which are nothing more than the continue of a religious attendance that originated in Amalfi coast in the rock settlements raised after the eremitism diffusion during the middle age.

This religious feeling is so strong that you can feel it in every patronal festival that usually it repeats at least twice a year it is considered important the divine protection but also in the numerous processions that take place in Coast especially during strong liturgical times, from those introduce the Christmas already during Advent to Saint week of Triduum before Easter.