SWOT Analysis of the “Amalfi Coast” system

The use of S.W.O.T. (Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats,) has been widely promoted by EU policies both for determining public intervention choices and for analyzing alternative development scenarios. In the territorial context it is a method aimed at identifying all the possible aspects that can favor or hinder the development of the system, or at providing alternative development scenarios on which to make choices. It is worth remembering that strengths and weaknesses are internal factors in the community-territory system and on which local actors can intervene; opportunities and threats are external factors, to be taken into account but on which it is not possible to intervene.
Furthermore, the SWOT analysis does not provide an objective or neutral evaluation of projects and systems. . The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that the procedure identifies are in fact assessed, qualitatively and quantitatively, not in absolute terms, but always with reference to the objectives that the project or system sets itself. . If, for example, a territorial system has tourism development as its objective, the declining presence of youth workers in the countryside is a strong element: the attractiveness of jobs in hotels and restaurants can unfold freely, without generating tensions in the tourism market work. But if the goal is to strengthen agricultural activities, the shortage of youth labor (insufficient to cover the demand of both sectors) is an element of weakness, the development of tourism becomes a threat.
The SWOT analysis was therefore carried out with reference to both the vision assumed and the mission of the Management Plan. “Towards the Ancient Coast” is the slogan that summarizes the vision: to reactivate the process of intelligent and compatible adaptation of the territory, the one that generated the cultural landscape of the Site. Recovery of “knowledge” of the effects of interventions useful to the community and / or in the long term and the restoration of their “convenience”, immediate and direct for those who undertake them, constitute the mission of the PdG.
To the standard application criteria of SWOT analysis (protect or enhance strengths, eliminate or reduce weaknesses, exploit opportunities, evade or mitigate threats), another one has been added, specifically used to build the Coastal Plan: propose interventions capable of trasforming, as far as possible, the elements of weakness into strengths or opportunities..
The limitation of summer circulation, hitherto little accepted by all stakeholders.
Read more on : Analisi Swot del sistema ” Costiera Amalfitana “.