In the Ferriere Valley of Amalfi and the Reginna Minor valley of Minori, it is possible to admire several remains of factories from the proto-industrial period. In the Ferriere Valley, the buildings that can be seen are not always accessible to visit: although they were in operation until the mid-twentieth century, they actually are in a static condition which is not always good.
The first paper mill you come across is the three-story one owned by Milano, with production machinery still located inside. Proceeding further down you encounter the ruins of two paper mills, the Nolli and the Treglia mills, both in indigent condition. The most imposing is the six-story Lucibelli one, where the owner lived and which, since it was a bridge, had a wooden truss now destroyed.
Continuing the descent toward the center of Amalfi you come across other paper mills: the Marino mill, bridge-shaped, with four floors above ground; the Amatruda mill, still in operation and which can be visited; the Gonfalone mill, in good state of conservation; the Dipino mill at the height of the Faenza Arch, with his paper drying rack (spanditoio*), in a fair state of conservation; and the Milano mill, which houses the Paper Museum, now subjected for one floor to the road, with tanks, canals and paper drying rack (spanditoio*).
There was also a soap factory in the valley, which had to be demolished in 1980 due to earthquake damage; an ironworks inaugurated during the Bourbon period, which remained in operation until 1800; a confetti factory; a limekiln; a powder magazine; and a hydroelectric power plant. All these structures are currently in a state of ruins.