Chiesa San Lorenzo e San Diodato Martiri

MUNICIPALITY: St. Egidio del Monte Albino
NAME: Church of San Lorenzo and San Diodato Martiri
LOCATION: Loc. S. Lorenzo (40°44’24.61”N/15°35’40.54”E?)

DESCRIPTION: The building that can be seen today is the result of the reconstruction of the church after the 1980 earthquake, but even then the original structure (which was only a little more than a chapel, was defined by documents Oratorio and commissioned in 1600 by a cleric on the remains of an earlier small building), had undergone numerous renovations with the construction of the bell tower and naves. It was not until the 18th century that the cult of St. Lorenzo was added to the cult of Diodato. Originally there were four side altars, two per nave. With three naves and three entrances, it presents a facade divided into three orders. The final one has a framed tympanum (*a timpano incorniciato da pignatte), while denticulated cornices border the two intermediate orders. Only the facade was saved from the 1980 earthquake, since, having been made later, was unconnected to the remaining building and did not collapse with the other structures.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: SALVATORE SILVESTRI, Sant’Egidio Un luogo chiamato Preturo, S. Egidio del M. A., 1992
AA. VV., Sant’ Egidio del Monte Albino Il paese che meglio ha conservato il suo centro storico con i suoi cortili e palazzi, la sua storia, la sua quiete, i suoi profumi e sapori, Salerno 2009


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