NAME: Castle of S. Maria La Nova
Location: S. Maria La Nova
DESCRIPTION: In defense of the territory of Tramonti was built the Castle of S. Maria la Nova, so-called from the presence inside it of a chapel dedicated to Our Lady. The description of the castle, now disappeared, is made by the historian Camera, who says that construction was begun only in 1458 and included a structure with curtains garrisoned by ten turrets and seven half-square bastions, with cisterns and a bell for alarms against the enemy attacks.
SEE, VISIT, FIND: The remains of the castle have permanently disappeared.
OPPORTUNITIES: At least the historical memory of the site should not be lost. The evidence of military archaeology could be enhanced by a thematic tour route, supplemented by panels and other informational material, and by a museum space where models of structures that cannot be visited or have disappeared could also be collected and a reconstruction of the entire defensive system of the area could be presented.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: CAMERA M., Memorie storico – diplomatiche: città e ducato di Amalfi, Salerno 1881.